Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas is Almost Here!

Even though the holidays are coming very soon it is good to be in great cheer before it comes! If you haven't already, give your parents your Christmas list. They may not get everything on the list that you want, but they will do their very best to make you happy. Don't forget to give them something as well. Parents don't expect much, but anything you give them, whether it is a gift or just simply a hug and kiss is good enough. They may not show it sometimes, it may even get you upset, but parents are also children too :) They need love and attention just like you do.

Are you in the Christmas spirit yet?

If not, its alright, but doing Christmas events like Christmas cards, wrapping gifts, decorating the christmas tree, watching Christmas shows and movies can help. Even playing our Christmas games like Christmas Tree Decorator and Candycane Designer can get you into the mood.

Well I hope that I gave you some ideas. I'll go back to working on the Maidens Avatar Creator update ^_^

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