Monday, July 9, 2012

Making the Most Out of Your Summer

Hey Everyone,

I woke up this morning with a nice thought to share with everyone. I have a little downtime until Keyeske is woke, so I figured why don't I take some time out and make a blog post ^_^

This summer we have our niece as our intern, and it has been a very enlightening experience. Shes 14 years old, and have seen how far we have come with all of our websites and mobile games. Her job is not too intensive, actually it really isn't what people would consider a job because it is only an hour a day, if that.

The reason why I am talking about our niece is because I would like to share with you that she is learning some very technical stuff for the summer. Although a lot of people would encourage the students to get stuffed into books for the summer to prepare for school, I think giving them hands on would be much better. It is a education that is a very different approach and it does away with the classroom setting. Some people tend to flourish when doing hands on projects. Maybe it is because they can visually put things into motion without writing or bubbling in the best answer.

Sometimes you tend to see them wondering what is the point in learning the curriculum that they are instructed for 10 months out of the year, and no one actually says, "Hey lets put your skills to what it can be used for." It is like asking questions about this method of learning is strictly taboo. I mean although I am an adult now, I too had the same problem when going through grade school. I'm sure we all have.

So below you can find some of the games that she has helped create and added to Google Play:

Click Here to Download Hot Nail Designer

Click Here to Download Pretty Nail Styles

Click Here to Download Birthday Cake Bash Designer

Click Here to Download Design Shoes by Kiko

Click Here to Download IceCream and Cone Maker

Well I think that is all the time I have for blogging, now its back to work. Oh! I have some cool games to add on the website as well. So stay tuned as always!


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dream-Maidens July 2012 Update

Hey Everyone,

I know its been a while since we last updated our blog, but so many things have happened! All good and positive news on this end. We hope that you are enjoying your summer so far.

After a couple of months of planning, we have decided to completely revamp the website (again I know). We will always keep our games on our site as it is, so do not worry. I'm unable to explain all the changes that we are planning, but just keep posted and as always, don't forget to bookmark and share Dream-Maidens to all of your friends.

As you know, we have developed a lot of great games for the website and for mobile as well. There were tons of new games that were added so it was pretty difficult for us to post each one that was released. I still intend to work on a system that will give a big directory of where to find and download our games, just like you can view here on the web.

We released another version of our Maidens game and created a cool promo video. Check it out!

On a hobby side of things, we have been creating books from scratch.

We sold one of our art books on Ebay, which was pretty cool. It is great to know how to do all sorts of things. You may never know when you can use it.

Its pretty late, and I have to get up early to work on some more goodies that you all will be able to see in the near future. Since I have a new Android tablet, I will try to blog as much as I can.

Oh and If you haven't already, don't forget to check out our large library of games on these Android Markets (Our apps work on Android devices 2.1 or greater):

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