Saturday, August 27, 2011

Revert Website Layout


Due to a major bug, we had to revert to the previous web layout. The new layout will be postponed until next week while I fix some problems. There are some extra things that I will have to do on the complete layout that will take more than a few days.

Again pardon the dust while we shift some things around ^_^


Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Phase of Website Update - DONE!


Phase one is complete. I fully skinned the website, and added some minor features (share links on the side, and a news bar), updated the download page links, and took a huge chunk of code that was unnecessary from a previous layout, took the who's online counter off because frankly, its too many Javascript calls going on and I really don't like the idea of having so many run all at once. Something is bound to go wrong.

Which reminds me, if you spot any bugs or have anything that brings up an error, please contact us, so that we can investigate.

In the next few days (maybe next week - this weekend is a no go) I will update the website by adding more games.
Uhm... Also will redo the publishers section because its a little messy, and I want to keep it organized with the rest of the website.

There are still plenty of things for me to get done, but I hope you like the new layout. It looks so beautiful on my Evo as well.

So until next time ^_^


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Please Pardon Our Dust: Website Workout HOOOOOOOO!

Hey Everyone,

Are the rumors true? Are we back to making games online? Uhh... YES! In lieu of our new direction to make games for both online and mobile, we have decided to update the website, so please pardon our dust. I rarely talk about most of the stuff that we have been up to, partly because I want to ease it in at just the right time - which is very very soon!

We have had such a great summer! We worked hard, and continue to do so, and have so many games to put up that were on mobile so that we can continue our goals of bringing our games to everyone around the world. I know I left a sour note to the publishers, but we had to do what is best for us. We had to cut the middle man, and have finally taken a step forward to create and deliver our very own content. Our great team of two, (Keyeske and I) have been in high hopes that this year is the year of change and we were so right!

A couple of days ago, we received an e-mail from someone that remembered our website from a long time ago. They really miss the old games (they even remembered our very first game!!!!). I am sure there are some people that remember them, and I will add those games as well as our new ones. Thank you so much for sticking with us through our happy and rough times. We are back and packing a mean punch with a whole new attitude!

So put on your hard hats and get ready for our most electrifying experience MagiSoft style!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

How to Draw Manga: Episode 6 - Face Perspective Part 1

Keyeske teaches how to Draw Manga with the head faced at a certain angle. This is part 1 of this segment

You can subscribe to his youtube account to view the latest videos in the series or click the link below

Friday, August 19, 2011

How to Draw Manga: Episode 5 - What is Manga?

Keyeske explains the difference between Manga, Anime and Illustration. Here are some major points in this video:

Drawing pictures are Illustration
Anime is short for Animation
Manga is a Japanese term for Comic Book

Manga as a art style is not the true term. Japanese call manga art style an Illustration, not Manga. How to draw Manga involves all aspects of making a comic book. Anime falls in this as well. Manga Involves panels, dialogue, story, sequences etc, and anime involves animation of story, dialogue and sequences. An Illustration is just a picture like the one you see in the video. Why else would the japanese comic books you buy at the store are called Mangas?

You can subscribe to his youtube account to view the latest videos in the series or click the link below

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to Draw Manga: Episode 4 - Drawing Manga Hair

Keyeske instructs on How to begin working on Drawing Manga/Anime Hair if you are interested in creating your own Manga or Anime.

You can subscribe to his youtube account to view the latest videos in the series or click the link below

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Draw Manga: Episode 3 - Drawing Manga Eyes

Keyeske instructs on How to begin working on Drawing Manga Eyes if you are interested in creating your own Manga or Anime.

You can subscribe to his youtube account to view the latest videos in the series or click the link below

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Draw Manga: Episode 2 - Story Development

Keyeske instructs on How to begin working on Manga Story Creation if you are interested in creating your own Manga or Anime.

You can subscribe to his youtube account to view the latest videos in the series or click the link below

Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to Draw Manga: Episode 1 - Character Development

Keyeske instructs on How to begin working on Character Creation if you are interested in creating your own Manga or Anime.

You can subscribe to his youtube account to view the latest videos in the series or click the link below

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Learn How to Draw Manga and Anime with Keyeske Yamada


Keyeske is making some great videos on creating your very own manga. Take a sneak peak in this Introduction Video.

You can subscribe to his youtube account to view the latest videos in the series or click the link below

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pictures from Our Games on the Android Pt. 8

Heres the saved images from our games. To view all our beautiful apps, check out the link below!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pictures from Our Games on the Android Pt. 7

Heres the saved images from our games. To view all our beautiful apps, check out the link below!

Check out Part Eight with more Screenshots!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pictures from Our Games on the Android Pt. 6

Heres the saved images from our games. To view all our beautiful apps, check out the link below!

Check out Part Seven with more Screenshots!
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