Thursday, February 10, 2011

Countdown to Vday - Day 9 and 10 - Planning for Valentine's Day Party

If you have the priveledge of having a classroom vday party or something along those lines and have some planning to do, I have a few tips:

1.) If you have to bring something, make sure the simple things are covered (paper plates, forks, napkins, etc.) or if you want to put you or your parent's cooking skills to good use, make some yummy cupcakes.

2.) Make sure all your classmates receive a small card and candy, just in case no one gives them anything when everyone passes their cards and candy around.

3.) Have a fun little activity. What I used to do was read aloud the messages on the heart shaped candy. I couldn't stand eating them (to me they were like chalk lol). Or you can pass around pictures to color like the picture at the top.

Have Fun!

These valentine coloring pages are posted with written permission from

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Countdown to Vday - Day 8 - Valentine's Day Gifts

I mentioned this before in a few previous posts, but if you are thinking about what to do for Valentine's Day gift-wise, maybe you might consider making things instead of buying.

Well I like to think of buying things for vday a quick route. It is still effective, but it's not very exciting. The price might not really be exciting either. If you are in school, making a gift could be a good route to go. Like for instance, making a bracelet. String and beads are very cheap to buy (some dollar stores sell beads) and around this time, you can get some nice heart-shaped beads. If you need help on how to make some handmade gifts, check out the videos below:

Good Luck to you and I'll see you tomorrow! Also if you would like a valentine coloring page for that custom Valentine's Day Card, check out this nice one below:

These valentine coloring pages are posted with written permission from

Monday, February 7, 2011

Countdown to Vday - Day 7 - Not Thrilled About Valentine's Day

Okay, so , lets take a break from those that are trying to get with their crush, and lets focus on those that look forward to not recognizing February 14th as Valentine's Day. Besides if your looking at it from a "Dark-Maidens" point of view, it is just another day in the year so its no different. Of course, you'll see pink, red and white everywhere but pfft, what day do you not see those colors?! Well to be honest, you can look at it that way, but Valentine's day is a day to reflect and cherish those that you care about (it's like Christmas, but without all of the Jingle Bells and yadda yadda). Whether it is a significant other or relative, or good friend, you can celebrate Valentine's Day in any way. Do you need to shower others with gifts? No, not really, It's optional, unless your spoiled and assume the world should fall at your feet.

Until Tomorrow ~

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Countdown to Vday - Day 5 and 6 - REST

You'll have to excuse the lack of following up on the countdown, but I've worked a little too hard through the week. I know, I know, I could have posted all of this in advance, but I didn't. Anyhow, being with the person that you would like to be with takes time, patience, and sometimes confidence. We've seen a lot of magical moments, but they do not come rushing about. Time to take some rest and focus on you.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Countdown to Vday - Day 4 - Working on Self Confidence

Happy Friday! Have you heard that you have to love you before you can love someone else? Well if you don't understand what that means, its not a problem. You have to be happy with the way that you are - accept your good and bad points about yourself. This helps a lot when you are in a relationship and if you get turned down as well. If you are loud and obnoxious at times, that is the way you are, and people will have to accept that, BUT it does not mean that it will be allowed for most people, which is the biggest consequence of having that characteristic. You should work on being proud of yourself, and be able to understand that if the person you like does not like that quality, you will have to find someone else that will like you for you. There are plenty of people in this world, you are bound to find someone.

Think it over, and I'll see you tomorrow.

Also if you would like a valentine coloring page for that custom Valentine's Day Card, check out this nice one below:

These valentine coloring pages are posted with written permission from

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Countdown to Vday - Day 3 - Making Calculations

So onto day 3. Yesterday I discussed that you needed to find all of your obstacles that could potentially hinder your chance to be with that special someone, and today we are going to talk about calculating your chances.

Now that you know the person or people who are in your way, its time to think of some ways that they can butt out. For example, if you have a best friend who likes the same person as you, see if you can find out who else she likes, and talk to her about it. Well, you might could make a deal, or if you know that isn't going to work, you might have to keep quiet and not tell people who you like.

Actually I think it might be better this way to keep the rumors down, my how people love rumors, it can't ruin your chances for sure. Think about the obstacles and compare yourself, and see if it is worth it.

Until tomorrow ^_^

Also if you would like a valentine coloring page for that custom Valentine's Day Card, check out this nice one below:

These valentine coloring pages are posted with written permission from

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Countdown to Vday - Day 2 - Adding Up the Obstacles

Lets see, you like this person, that person and oh yeah that one too. After doing the tip from yesterday, now its time to figure out what is holding you back from that special person. Are they with someone? Do you have friends that like them too? Don't know if that someone likes you back? Are you with someone? (had to throw that in there for laughs. I highly do NOT recommend doing any of this if you are with someone already. I'm sure you wouldn't like that if it happened to you)

What I am trying to say is, list your obstacles. Once you have the obstacles down, you will see if there is a chance of anything happening between you and the person you like.

Think it over, and I'll see you tomorrow for another tip! Also if you would like a valentine coloring page for that custom Valentine's Day Card, check out this nice one below:

These valentine coloring pages are posted with written permission from

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Countdown to Vday - Day 1 - Call on Cupid

Its that time of the year again where we focus most of our attention on the people that we care about, love, or just drool over. This isn't a guide to finding love between now and Valentines Day mind you, but I know a thing or two about getting people together (myself included). Not to sound old or anything, but it is something that people experience at least once in their life, even if its just a crush or someone that just makes you smile or beat them up every time you see them. Especially in school, that's how most of them start. "Ugh I can't stand this boy, he gets on my nerves." Teachers and parents know that students will have feelings for each other, but they don't want to see it on their watch, even though all of them have been their when they were younger. So, my short advice for the day, decide on your target- err person that you care about and show them that you care in your own special way.

These valentine coloring pages are posted with written permission from
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