Saturday, January 30, 2010

Miley Cyrus Game Preview

Hey if you havent already, come check out one of our Miley Cyrus Games that is on Precious Diva

Click here to play the game!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cat Gets Head Stuck in Cup

Haiti Relief Telethon & Sketch Group Peeps

Here are some videos discussing the haiti relief telethon that was on friday january 22nd, and view some people who attended our sketch sessions that keyeske have been having for a couple of weeks

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Who Ate All the Cookies?

If you know someone that ate the cookies, please let us know.

How to Draw and How to Crochet

Keyeske talks about the sketch club that we have everyday on blogtv at 8:45PM EST

Chykara talks about making a scarf and learning crochet. She also talks about following your dreams and showing the world your special talents.

Realtionships and Being Nice to People

Big Ella is back again with some words of wisdom

Friday, January 8, 2010

Remember Back in the Day

Big Ella is having a good time and you should too when watching her videos.

Dear Girl Gamer...

For those of you that play games on the computer or console, or just like to do things on the computer, then this video is for you. Even though it is hard to discuss relationship and dating, this will encourage you to find the right person for you.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cool Videos of the Day!

Here are some awesome vids that need watching. Very informative, helpful and always inspiring for you to go for your dreams!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!!!! Keyeske is also doing sketches and we also want to promote a few other videos. So please check out the vids below.

Hope you enjoy and there is more to come.

Please check out our monthly newsletter.

Keyeske and Chykara
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